PAUPER: Dimir Terror Sideboard Guide
Today I’m going to discuss my current Dimir Terror list in Pauper as well as provide a sideboard guide for key match ups. Mono Blue Delver is currently the most popular way to build around Tolarian Terror, but I believe the black splash is the way to build for a Mono Red metagame.
The deck is fairly stock, but I’m playing a Psychic Barrier over a third Spell Pierce as it’s good against midrange decks and counters Tolarian Terror.
Creatures are played in nearly every deck so it’s basically a fifth Counterspell.
Consider is played over sorcery-speed options like Preordain and Ponder because it fills up the graveyard and allows us to hold up Counterspell.
Unexpected Fangs is a concession for Mono Red being the deck to beat. In other matchups the life gain allows to flash back additional Deep Analysis and cast Snuff Out for life.
Rotten Reunion and Fallaji Archaeologist are to absorb Chainer’s Edict, but that’s too narrow. Thorn of the Black Rose is the true hammer in the black matchups.
Dimir Terror Mirror
-3 Mental Note -2 Unexpected Fangs -1 Snuff Out
+2 Nihil Spellbomb +2 Dispel +2 Thorn of the Black Rose
The mirror can be played quickly, but you may lose if too many spells trade off as there are only eight creatures to win the game. A safe way to play the mirror is to pick your spots with Mental Notes after a Brainstorm. It pains me to mill over 5/5s.
Deep Analysis and Thought Scour are able to target the opponent if you feel both players won’t have the ability to win via attacking with 5/5s. Cast your library manipulation with purpose to avoid being on the wrong side of these play patterns.
Unexpected Fangs is able to blow out opposing 5/5s, but there’s plenty of interaction in the mirror so it’s tough to execute. Cast Out can kill Gurmag and Tolarian Terror while Snuff Out only hits the Terror.
Mono Red
-1 Spell Pierce -1 Psychic Barrier -3 Deep Analysis -4 Snuff Out
+4 Hydroblast +2 Dispel +2 Agony Warp +1 Unexpected Fangs
Game one can be difficult as you are potentially keeping hands with Deep Analysis and Snuff out in the dark. Remember you can hard cast Snuff Out and Deep Analysis if the game goes longer.
The game is a race to establish a 5/5 and hopefully suit it up with Unexpected Fangs. Mental Note and Thought Scour can help as you aren’t running a risk of decking in the Red matchup. This is a strong matchup and a good reason to play Dimir Terror.
There are many flavors of Mono Red, but should watch out for Pyroblast, Unholy Heat and Mine Collapse for your Terrors and Anglers. This means taking the post board games slower if you feel the opponent has a hand of interaction. Tolarian Terror is riskier than Angler as it can be hit by Pyroblast.
Azorius Affinity
-1 Mental Note -1 Psychic Barrier -3 Deep Analysis
+2 Annul +2 Agony Warp +1 Unexpected Fangs
Annul is in the sideboard for Journey to Nowhere out of Boros Synthesizer. If white decks aren’t popular in your area you can swap Annul for Steel Sabotage for the bounce mode against Affinity. Countering an enchantment can be relevant against All That Glitters.
Agony Warp can shrink a Moon-Circuit Hacker for a turn and kill another creature. Shrinking power is also relevant when your 5/5s are double-blocked by Frogmite and Myr Enforcer. It’s also there to kill indestructible 3/3 lands from Kenku Artificer.
Boros Synthesizer
-2 Cast Down
+2 Annul
Boros seeks to play a card advantage game against Dimir. Journey to Nowhere is their main form of interaction for 5/5s.
Hydroblast is also a consideration, but I prefer some Spell Pierces to counter artifacts that generate card advantage as that’s the glue of the deck.
Mono Blue Delver
-1 Mental Note -1 Unexpected Fangs -2 Deep Analysis
+2 Nihil Spellbomb +2 Dispel
Delver is the tempo deck so you can play a more defensive role. There’s more card advantage and real removal so the late game favors Dimir.
Unexpected Fangs is good if it resolves, but Snap can reset both Gurmag Angler and Tolarian Terror.
Jeskai Caw Gate
-2 Cast Down
+2 Agony Warp
Guardian of the Guildpact is their haymaker and it’s respected with Psychic Barrier and Agony Warp. Dimir can play the tempo role as killing all of the small creatures pumped by Gates is a fool’s errand.
Golgari Garden
-2 Unexpected Fangs -2 Snuff Out
+2 Dispel +2 Thorn of the Black Rose
Another black matchup that’s very grindy like the mirror. Take slower lines at times to play around black’s nimble removal such as Cast Down.
Snuff out kills Avenging Hunter, but not much else. Unexpected Fangs it’s too unreliable in the face of so much removal.
Dimir Terror is an excellent choice if you’re a Pauper veteran or a tournament player looking to cast broken blue spells. Mono Red is the deck to beat and Dimir wants to pair into it every round.
That’s all I have today. Thanks for reading!