Pauper 1K TOP 8 Decklists
We had a great turnout last week for our first 1K of 2024 and were joined by 45 players to compete in the Pauper main event.
The field was extremely diverse and a perfect snapshot of the Pauper metagame with all of the major archetypes represented.
It’s not surprising that with such a diverse and interesting field that we ended up with quite a gauntlet of awesome Top 8 decks piloted by some talented Pauper fans!
The most popular and played archetype in the field was various flavors of Affinity, with All that Glitters leading the pack with six players choosing that deck. We had 10 Affinity decks in the field, making up roughly 20% of the field and making that the most popular strategy in the event.
The format looks to be quite diverse after the banning to Monastery Swiftspear and that diversity of strategies was really highlighted with seven different archetypes climbing into the Top 8 single elimination rounds.
Before we get to the Top 8 decklists, we’d like to congratulate our finalists, Jason Blackwood and Michael Antrim (finals split) on a well played event!
Congratulations to all of our Top 8 Competitors!
Also, a friendly reminder that our next 1K event is set for April 6th and will feature the Pioneer Format. You can also join us for weekly in-store play for MTG Pauper every Wednesday at 6PM and watch our weekly events on Twitch: